Happy Valentine’s Day... where hearts are a flutter! Hopefully in the healthy, skip a beat because you're happy sort of way. Open Eating is one of the best ways to really let your heart have a voice in what makes it happy. But did you know that when you make your heart happy, you end up with SO MUCH more bang for your buck? Your brain gets so much happier too!
Have you ever walked into a room and then instantly forgotten why you were there? Or have you ever stumbled over the name of a common, everyday item that's slipped your mind? I know I have. We all experience these small cognitive lapses and their frequency tends to increase as we age. Then comes the worries around the possibilities of dementia and stroke. However, let's explore how maintaining heart health can help protect our brains.
Did you know that factors commonly associated with cardiac health–such as excess body weight; high blood pressure; disordered cholesterol levels; high triglyceride and blood sugar levels–could concurrently be harming our brains?
The Brain-Heart Interdependence
Consider this–without our hearts steadily pumping oxygen-rich blood throughout our bodies, our brains would also not receive essential nutrients needed for functioning. There exists a profound connection between these two vital organs – ailments in one are bound to affect the other. Our heart and blood vessels are the path by which our brain gets the nutrients it needs to support, well, EVERYTHING.
On the flip side, our vessels can also transport scary things like clots that could trigger a stroke. Just like pipes in your home, arteries too can get narrower over time leading to blocks or clogs. This creates a plaque-like buildup in your vessels, often tied to high cholesterol, obesity (especially abdominal), diabetes, and hypertension. This plaque can sometimes go right into the brain, which is becoming a hot research topic as a cause of neural degeneration and cognitive diseases like Alzheimer’s.
Cerebrovascular refers specifically to the blood vessels conveying blood into and out of our brain. We have a lot of say in what our vessels transport. The more nutrients we give our body, the more they help to detox those clots and plaques and focus on delivering the brain what it needs, not the yucky stuff.
This arterial damage due to high pressure from the heart can lead to cholesterol-laden plaque build-up causing arteries to lose flexibility over time which can either narrow them significantly or block them entirely. This vascular dysfunction could eventually lead to a myocardial infarction (heart attack) while if it were indicating flowing blood towards the brain it could lead to stroke.
There has always been a major focus on cardiac health. In the media, it usually grabs more attention... even though there are typically more strokes per year in America compared with heart attacks. Stroke alarmingly occurs every 40 seconds contributing majorly towards mortality rates, following cardiac disease.
GPS for Heart And Brain Health
Let's now navigate through simple swaps that optimize heart-brain health:
- Try making at least 1/2 of your proteins plant proteins: This helps reduce saturated fats and increase phytochemicals and antioxidants- critical for your body to detox from plaque-building waste like saturated fats and too much sugar.
- Aim for fats that support your heart health: Try replacing butter and margarine with things like olive oil, avocados, and nut butter.
- Let your sugar come IN foods, not ADDED to foods: High sugar diets negatively impact blood cholesterol levels, also increasing the waistline hence elevating cardiovascular disease risk factors. US dietary guidelines advise reducing added sugars to less than 10% of total daily calorie intake while using natural sweeteners such as whole fruits or honey instead of artificial sweeteners. Try replacing your jam with sliced strawberries... it's amazing!
- Salty isn't the only savory flavor: Reducing packaged processed food intake besides incorporating more home-cooked meals whilst utilizing a range of herbs/spices instead of added salt aids in managing blood pressure and preserving cerebrovascular health. Basil, Parsley, Cumin, Pepper, Turmeric, Ginger... So many delicious options for so many delicious cuisines!
- Keep your grains together: Consumption of refined grains like white flour is associated with obesity, and cognitive decline besides their role in predisposing type 2 diabetes risks. Aim for the grains as they grow... complete with their natural fibers. Whole wheat, brown rice, quinoa, amaranth, and more. This contains the fiber and phytochemicals to fuel your brain and clean out your blood vessels.
Simple swaps that build fabulous Open Eating habits... thereby promoting longevity plus wellness and restoring enjoyment into our lives. Share the love this Valentine’s day by adding in your favorite recipe swaps!
Love you all! ~Kristen