Blog tagged as Habits

A Little More About Emotional Eating

Let’s face it. Turning Emotional Eating into something that sounds as great as Open Eating can take some work. Some HARD work. What you have developed into habits over years of trials and pressure, doesn’t always just go away with a whimsical idea of something better. 

Guess what!? You’re not a ...

22.09.22 09:50 AM - Comment(s)
5 Ways To Support Open Eating

Remember, Open Eating is aligning your body, mind, and hunger. It is eating for YOUR health, YOUR way - not diet style and with restrictions and guilt-ridden requirements. Eating what you want, and being healthier because of it.

Nothing busts motivation more than failing over and over again. How many...

31.08.22 09:56 AM - Comment(s)
It Only Costs 5 Minutes To Change Your Life. What Will You Do?

We’ve talked about open eating and mindfulness and how they can be such a huge benefit to life. It not only reduces the amount of time we are fretting about our food, but it also makes us feel better and more energetic, and we can think more clearly about who we are now, and who we want to be. And w...

11.10.21 08:43 AM - Comment(s)