Blog tagged as Movement

Why Don’t Diets Work? What DOES Work?

Diet after diet, after diet… does it ever feel like you’ve tried over and over to get a handle on your weight, and you do really well for a few days, maybe even a few weeks? Then comes the lack of results… you find yourself dealing with more stress, and deciding to let go just once…

The trouble with ...

18.01.23 12:35 PM - Comment(s)
The True Power Of Movement In Nutrition…

If there is one thing I have learned in nutrition and wellness, it is that movement is absolutely a critical part of nutrition. One might not think so, because the movement itself doesn’t give us vitamins and minerals, nor does it come with calories. But especially right now, I am being truly remind...

30.11.22 12:29 PM - Comment(s)
5 Ways To Support Open Eating

Remember, Open Eating is aligning your body, mind, and hunger. It is eating for YOUR health, YOUR way - not diet style and with restrictions and guilt-ridden requirements. Eating what you want, and being healthier because of it.

Nothing busts motivation more than failing over and over again. How many...

31.08.22 09:56 AM - Comment(s)