Blog tagged as Weight Management
We’ve all been there… a deeply cold winter afternoon, our feet propped up with a bowl of popcorn, comfy socks, and Netflix on deck. It’s so very easy to be idle when the weather outside is miserable. This kind of behavior is particularly common if you live somewhere with short sunlight hours in the ...
Diet after diet, after diet… does it ever feel like you’ve tried over and over to get a handle on your weight, and you do really well for a few days, maybe even a few weeks? Then comes the lack of results… you find yourself dealing with more stress, and deciding to let go just once…
The trouble with ...
Almost every client that I work with has one major focus… Weight Loss. It makes sense. When we gain weight, our body senses things just aren’t the way they used to be. Energy is lower, joints and muscles hurt more, and the brain fog starts…
Hollywood and marketing messages don’t help- they play...
Did you know that as of today, there is NOT A SINGLE weight loss program that has resulted in long-term weight loss maintenance or even significant weight loss within the majority of participants? Yet, as of February 2019, the U.S. weight loss industry was reported as a 72 BILLION dollar market! Whe...
For decades now, diets and weight loss have been marketed as a “healthy” way of life. Yet, they rely on key nutrient elimination, body chemistry manipulation, and caloric deficiencies. The traditional approach to weight loss is fascinating because the approach tends to involve some sort of physiolog...