Blog tagged as Nutrition

A Nutrition Breakthrough for Autism

In a recent breakthrough, a study published in Cell Host and Microbe has shed light on the remarkable benefits of Limosilactobacillus reuteri (formerly known as Lactobacillus Reuteri) for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This rare bacterium has emerged as a potential game-changer in the...

30.07.24 08:25 AM - Comment(s)
Nutrition for Melanoma

Melanoma... what we call skin cancer, has long posed a significant challenge to both patients and healthcare providers. Its aggressive nature can potentially be one of the most feared forms of skin cancer. While advancements in medical science have led to improved treatments and outcomes, the q...

23.07.24 08:22 AM - Comment(s)
Rice Isn't a "Bad" Carb

Rice is often cast as the backup food on a plate or something that should be removed entirely in the name of reducing carbohydrates, but it's time for a culinary plot twist. This versatile grain can take center stage in a nutritious diet, offering a host of health benefits that were celebrated in an...

16.07.24 08:20 AM - Comment(s)
What's Good For Your Heart... It's Good For Your Brain! Preserving Brain and Heart Health: The Mysterious Connection

Happy Valentine’s Day... where hearts are a flutter! Hopefully in the healthy, skip a beat because you're happy sort of way. Open Eating is one of the best ways to really let your heart have a voice in what makes it happy. But did you know that when you make your heart happy, you end up with SO MUCH...

15.07.24 04:36 AM - Comment(s)
Can I Eat Restaurant Food and Be Healthy?

In an era where convenience often trumps nutrition quality, dining out can be a minefield for those trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle. While the allure of quick service and consistent flavors draws many to their favorite eateries, the prevalence of premade restaurant food can be a ...

05.06.24 07:38 AM - Comment(s)
How Safe Are Your Shelf Foods? A Deeper Look into The Realm of Food Mold

It's an all-too-familiar scene: yourself standing there, staring intriguingly at a fuzzy patch that was once your edible bread. Yet, many remain oblivious to the fact that mold represents a far graver issue than we give it credit for.

There is a lot of hype around the benefits of microbes… mold, bein...

21.05.24 03:09 PM - Comment(s)
How To Manage Stress For A Healthier Eating Cycle

Do you ever find yourself reaching for a chocolate bar after a particularly taxing day at work or skipping meals when deadlines are piling up? Stress can be a huge factor that can alter our eating habits. It’s really important to understand the role that stress plays in your eating cycles.

Recent res...

14.05.24 03:06 PM - Comment(s)
Eating for Energy

In the desperate quest for an energy boost, many of us reach for what feels like a quick fix – an energy drink or bar. However, it's time to shed light on the reality that these purported energizers are often no better than candy in disguise. But then, how can we naturally fuel our bodies to feel mo...

24.04.24 09:13 AM - Comment(s)
The Most Convenient Salad Bar

What is the most common thing people think about when going for a snack? We all want it to be "health" or even "satiety"- but let's face it. It's convenient. When we're hungry, we want to eat, not prep.

Today, let's visit a revolutionary idea that may just change your snack c...

10.04.24 08:55 AM - Comment(s)
It's OK to snack... it's even good for you.

Have you ever heard the saying, “You are what you eat”? Most of us believe that to lose weight and get fit, we need to restrict our food intake.  Here’s a surprising fact: including snacks in your diet—yes, you heard that right—can work wonders for those looking to drop extra pounds.

Insert loud...

03.04.24 08:48 AM - Comment(s)